Saturday, December 24, 2011

today is my birthday page 3

today is my birthday page 3 by ric gustafson

" This egg salad sandwich is good" Betsy Bergmann said with a smile as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin.
" How is your sandwich Harlan?" Mildred Copple asked as she sipped from her water goblet.
" Fine". He finished the sandwich and then started eating the mandarin oranges. " The meals here are pretty good".
" I can't wait for the dessert" she said as she grinned at her son. " Maybe it's a cake since today is my birthday".
" Mom, today is not your birthday".
" Yes it is" she said as she pointed at what she was wearing. " I'm wearing my new blue dress just for that reason".
After a while, they were finishing their ice cream. " How was your ice cream mother?".
" Ok" was her reply as she finished eating the last bite. " It wasn't cake but it was ok".
Harlan watched as nurses wheeled the ladies at their table back to their rooms. " Mother, what would you like to do now?".

I pray that everyone has a wonderful Christmas night. Love Ric

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