Monday, December 26, 2011

the grand opening of the A to Z page 1

the grand opening of the A to Z page 1 by ric gustafson.

Christopher Atkins was reading the want ads to look for a job. He put a slice of bread into the toaster and tried to put down the handle. The handle would not go down.
" Come on" he said loudly in frustration as he banged his fist on the countertop. " Boy I could use a new toaster" he exclaimed as he kept trying to put the handle down and was getting madder by the minute. He picked up the newspaper and opened it to page 2. On the page was a large ad for a new store opening. The ad was for a store opening called the A to Z. The ad advertised that they sold toasters so Christopher figured why not go and check out the new store.
He drove his blue Saturn into the immense parking lot and noticed quite a few cars. He got out and walked into the cart area. He got one and walked toward the entrance. Over the entrance of the store was a large banner saying ' welcome to the grand opening of the A to Z'. With the wheels of his steel cart wobbling. he walked into the store.

research help: ' Together with Jesus' by Richard E Lauersdorf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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