Saturday, December 31, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny page 5

Horatio's lucky penny page 5 by ric gustafson

" Horatio, I became a christian when I came to the homeless shelter" John said as he held up a small green bible he had brought with him. " This completely changed my life".
" Oh!".
" I study his Word all the time now".
" Every word that is in it".
" I believe with all my heart everything that is in it".
" I don't believe in God" Horatio said with a long sigh. " Just my lucky penny".
" You still believe in only that coin for everything in your life".
" Of course" he replied as he took a sip of lemonade. " What's happened to me bears it out".
" I'm sorry my friend but God is in charge of my life and no one else".
" I'm happy with my life" Horatio replied. " My lucky penny has given me everything I need".
" Ok Horatio" John replied as he got up from the table, shook his friend's hand and then began to walk toward the patio stairs. " God bless and I will pray for you".
Horatio walked back into his study and stared at his lucky penny plaque. " Who needs God when we have each other".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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