Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ismay page 2

Ismay page 2 by ric gustafson.

Ismay cleared his throat. " I would like to express my sincere grief at this deplorable catastrophe". " I am here because we have nothing to conceal and nothing to hide".
" Sir, where was the ship built?".
" It was built in Belfast Ireland".
" Any comments on the way it was built".
" It was the latest thing in the art of shipbuilding, no money was spared in her construction".
Senator Smith stared at Ismay. " Sir, can you please describe your actions on the night of the sinking?".
" Sunday night April 14th, I was eating dinner in the first class restaurant with Dr William O Loughlin".
" Who is he Sir?".
" He is the surgeon of the White Star Line".
" Please continue Sir".
" Later, I retired to my stateroom and was asleep by 11:00 pm".
" Sir, were you aware of any ice warnings that night?".
" Yes, Captain Smith handed me a message that the liner Baltic had encountered icebergs and a lot of field ice about 250 miles ahead of us".

research help: ' the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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