Sunday, December 4, 2011

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1 by ric gustafson.

The storm's cold flakes coated his face as he slowly opened the heavy frozen door. David Munry opened it as his wife Alice barely made it through before the heavy winter wind closed it again.
" Did you bring in the map?" she asked as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. " I can't believe all of our bad luck".
He handed her the map as he felt inside his pant pocket for change. " I'm going to call and find out how soon they can get here". He came back a short time later. " Because of the blizzard, AAA is not sure what time they can get here".
" That's just great" she retorted in an angry tone as she studied the map. " It's Christmas Eve and you have no clue which exit it is to my parents house".
" First of all, I can't find my directions to your parents new house and I must of left our only cell phone at my brother's house".
" So what do we do now? she exclaimed loudly as she sat down at an empty table and felt exhausted.
David thought for a moment. " This McDonalds is open 24 hours" he said as he stared at the menu board. " I suggest we eat something and wait for AAA to come".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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