Saturday, December 3, 2011

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 3

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 3 by ric gustafson.

As Sean walked through the cold biting snow to get his shovel out of the trunk of his car, he thought to himself why he was doing this for them. ' I could be warm inside the mall than freezing out here' he thought as he got the shovel and started walking toward the middle of the mall parking lot. He found the rusted covered Impala with it's front end stuck deep in a large snow bank. He shoveled the snow away from the beat up car, started the vehicle but was unable to move it away from the snow bank.
" Need some help" a young man, who was walking with his wife, inquired. They were walking toward the mall entrance and saw the predicament he was in.
At first, Sean was going to say no out of pride but knew he needed some help. " Sure" he replied as he relented his earlier feelings. " I'm trying to get this Impala out of this snow bank".
" I'll push from this door, if you will push from the hood". The young man opened the driver door and got himself ready. With the two pushing, it only took a couple of minutes to get the car out of the snowbank.
" Thank you" Sean said with a big grin as he shook the young man's hand.
" Your welcome" he replied as he and his wife started walking toward the mall entrance. " Happy holidays".
Sean walked back inside the mall entrance and saw the young mother and her little daughter huddled along a side wall. They looked tired and hungry. " I got your car out of the snow bank".
" Thank you" she exclaimed as tears came down her face. " Nobody else would help us".
Sean looked toward the food court. " Follow me". He took some bills out of one of his pant pockets. " Here is some money so you can buy something in the food court".
She hugged Sean. " Thank you".
He walked down the escalator and quietly got back in line to see Santa. When it got to be his turn, he got onto one of Santa's knees. " I don't want a bowling ball for Christmas any longer" he said as he shed a tear. " I've already received my Christmas wish".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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