Monday, December 26, 2011

today is my birthday page 4

today is my birthday page 4 by ric gustafson

" I would like to go back to my room Harlan".
" Ok". He slowly wheeled her back down the hallway and then into her room. He helped her into her easy chair.
" Harlan, can you hand me that photo album?".
He handed her a white album from a nearby table.
She opened it and thumbed through it. She stopped at a certain page. " Harlan, here are pictures of your father and I when we went on a trip to Mexico".
" You and Dad were able to go on a lot of trips together".
" We brought home so many souvenirs including something that looked like an old genie lamp that we had no place to put them all".
" I miss Irwin".
" I miss Dad too".
After a while, he noticed that his mother was getting tired. " Mother, I should go".
" Thanks for coming to my birthday today".
" Mother, today is not your birthday".
" Harlan" she exclaimed as she smiled at her son. " Everyday with God is a birthday".
Harlan kissed his mother goodbye and then walked out to the car. As he sat behind the wheel, he pondered what his mother had said.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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