Thursday, November 30, 2023

the First Christmas: the Innkeeper

 the First Christmas: the Innkeeper by ric gustafson

It was snowing when the man and girl arrived. They had been on the road for six days. The man led a donkey. The girl was on the donkey. Her belly was swollen.
They had tried to find lodging at four inns already. Bethlehem was swelling with pilgrims because of a census. All the inns were full. The two were very concerned. Night was falling.
I was in my forties. I had a brown beard and a scar over my left eyebrow. I studied the two before me. The girl was 14 or 15. She was wearing a shawl and a woolen tunic. The man was in his twenties. He had large hands and a full beard. I shook my head. Several people this week had given me the same sad story. 
I was about to tell them to go away. Then I thought about the small stable that was behind my inn. I showed it to them. It smelled like straw and manure. There were four stalls. Plus there was enough straw to make beds for two people.
I put a torch in the holder on the wall. I walked out the door.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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