Friday, November 24, 2023

a Malloy pizza Christmas page 3

 a Malloy pizza Christmas page 3 by ric gustafson

The kitchen door opened. Red was adding olive oil into a bowl of wet ingredients. Then he added flour and fine salt.
Rita tiredly walked in. She put her bible and notebook on a hutch by the garage door. She hugged her husband. " What's for dinner Red?".
He was a making a shaggy dough out of the dry and wet ingredients. " Tonight is a pizza named after an Italian queen".
" What is that pizza called?".
He began to make the dough smooth. " Margherita".
" Nice". She smiled. " Were you able to put the wreath on the front door?".
" I did". He brushed more olive oil on the dough. " How was bible study?".
" It was ok". She yawned. " Today we studied John 1:14".
Red divided the dough into two pieces. " What does that bible verse talk about?".
" The Word became flesh and took up residence among us".
" Oh!".
She watched her husband stretch the pizza dough. " Red, do you want to come to bible study with me?".
Red began to put crushed tomatoes on the dough. " Not right now".

research help: ' The Big Book of Pizza' by Food Network Magazine

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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