Saturday, November 25, 2023

3/30/1981 page 11

 3/30/1981 page 11 by ric gustafson

Just before the arrival of the Presidential limousine, DC police officers Sergeant Herbert Granger and Officer Thomas Delahanty were at the rope line. Already at the hotel's VIP entrance were seven reporters and a small group of spectators.
Staring at Granger and Delahanty from the shadows of the VIP entrance was a man named John Hinckley Jr. Hidden in Hinckley's beige jacket was an RG 14 revolver. The weapon was nicknamed a Saturday Night Special. This was because it was cheap and easy to obtain. In the revolver were six Devastator bullets. These bullets were deadly and detonated on impact.
On October 2 1980, Hinckley Jr flew to Dayton Ohio. He was curious how close he could get to a President. He slipped into a President Carter campaign rally. Quietly, he ended up standing just an arms length from President Carter. He was one person in a sea of 1,400 supporters. Then Hinckley Jr flew to Nashville to attend another Carter rally. When he arrived in Nashville, he changed his mind. He flew back home. 
In December 1980, he found out that John Lennon was murdered. He was devastated.
He flew home and then back to Washington. He knew what he had to do.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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