Tuesday, November 21, 2023

God's Word: how to interpret the bible

 God's Word: how to interpret the bible by ric gustafson

We all interpret God's Word. We try to understand it's meaning and apply it to our lives. God wants us to interpret his Word correctly. Otherwise poor interpretation will happen. 
We need basic guidelines to interpret God's Word. When we study God's Word, it is worth the investment of our time we put in. God 's Word is for sinners. It's a book for all of us. We need to watch for false teachers. Inductive bible study has three parts to it. The first is observation. What does it say?. Second is interpretation. What does it mean?. Third is application. How does it apply to my life?. 

research help: ' How to study the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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