Thursday, November 23, 2023

3/30/1981 page 10

 3/30/1981 page 10 by ric gustafson

At 1:10 pm, a Presidential Limousine pulled up to the diplomatic entrance of the White House. Stagecoach was the nickname of the 21 and a half ton car. The black 1972 Lincoln Continental was covered in heavy armor plating and had windows of thick bullet proof glass. It had a powerful V-8 engine, a rear bumper that could fold into a platform to carry Secret Service agents. It had an extra large sunroof so President Reagan could stand and wave to the crowd.
The armored car was a necessary protection for the President. Four Presidents had been slain in office. These Presidents were Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy. Reagan knew the risk but did not dwell on the danger.
The limousine left the White House at 1:45 pm. Sitting next to Reagan was Labor Secretary Ray Donovan. In the front seat was Agent Jerry Parr. Driving the limousine was Agent Drew Unrue. Trailing the limo was another car with a driver and six additional armed agents. This car was nicknamed Halfback. Trailing behind that car was another car carrying the President's Press Secretary. His name was Jim Brady.
The ride to the hotel took four minutes. The time was 1:50 pm.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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