Sunday, November 19, 2023

God's Word: Jude

 God's Word: Jude by ric gustafson

The author of the book is Jude. Jude was possibly Jesus's half brother. The book was written in AD 82. The book talks about being aware of heretical teachers and their dangerous doctrines. Jude was tackling the same problems Peter was with the early church. This subject was false teachers. The problem was murmurers and complainers were walking after their own lusts. These people were using the grace of God to cover their sinful lifestyle. They were trying to encourage Christian believers to do the same. But true believers do not do that. They reflect God's love and show compassion. Two Old Testament events are recounted in this book. One is Michael's fight with Satan over the body of Moses. The other is Enoch's prophecy of God's judgment.
Satan tries to sneak people into God's church to crush true believers. Every true believer needs to contend for the faith.

research help: ' Know your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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