Tuesday, November 28, 2023

3/30/1981 page 13

 3/30/1981 page 13 by ric gustafson

Outside the Hilton, Agent Drew Unrue repositioned the Presidential Limousine. The President would now have to walk from the VIP entrance to the limousine. Reagan would have to walk parallel to the rope line. The danger of this would be the brief time that the President  would be very close to the spectators. The limousine was moved for security reasons. If the nose of the limousine was pointed toward T Street, the limousine could make a quick get away.
Agent Granger did notice that the rope line was very close to where the President would come out of the VIP entrance. The rope line was slightly moved. It was still close to the growing crowd of spectators already waiting for the President. Hinckley Jr was watching everything that was going on.
At one point, Agent Mary Ann Gordon, who was the motorcade's advance agent, checked the line of vehicle's of the motorcade. When it was all in order, she got into the lead vehicle. Agent Unrue started the engine of the limousine. The other agents and police officers returned to their posts. Then Agent Gordon checked her watch. The time was 2:20 p.m.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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