Friday, December 1, 2023

The First Christmas: the Ox

 The First Christmas: the Ox by ric gustafson

I am a sociable animal by nature. I became excited when I saw my master bring in two humans and a donkey. The man put the donkey into a stall next to mine. I poked my head over a partition to get a better look. The donkey was a jenny and young. Probably five years old. She looked tired.
I was right. She lay down in a corner of the stall and fell asleep. As far as donkeys are concerned, I have seen quite a few come through here.
At one point, the donkey was asleep and so were the two humans. I chewed on my curd. It was quiet for an hour or two. It was a silent night.
Then the woman began to moan. The man started wiping her brow. After a period of time, a child came into this world. He was a tiny creature a beautiful baby boy.
I will protect this child. I will.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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