Friday, January 21, 2022

whom do you serve? page 8

 whom do you serve? page 8 by ric gustafson

The elderly Apostle stepped up to the pulpit. He smiled at the parishoners. " Let us pray".
Homer yelled. " Let's not pray".
" I want to thank Pastor Roberts for the chance to speak to you this morning".
Homer yelled. " This should be interesting".
" I will be speaking on Matthew 6:24".
Homer yelled. " I can't wait to hear this".
" This passage states that we cannot serve two masters".
Homer yelled. " Oh come on!".
" We cannot serve both God and Satan".
Homer yelled. " Nobody's listening to you Paul".
Pastor Roberts had had enough. He stood up and walked over to Homer's pew. " All those in favor of God and his word as the foundation of this church raise your hand".
Every hand went up. 
Homer scowled. " Who wants to follow my master instead of these clowns?".
Not one hand went up.
Just then, Satan appeared next to Homer. " Come with me demon".
Homer growled. They vanished.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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