Sunday, January 9, 2022

whom do you serve? page 1

 whom do you serve? page 1 by ric gustafson

" Go in peace, serve the Lord".
Homer opened his eyes. He glanced around the sanctuary. He sighed. " Great, another church assignment".
" Are you visiting?".
Homer looked up to see a nicely dressed elderly woman smiling at him." I noticed you were not wearing a nametag".
" I'm Homer Tang". They shook hands. 
" Lois Belkin". She pointed at her nametag. " I'm one of the charter members of this church".
They began walking toward the back of the sanctuary. A young pastor was shaking hands.
Homer noticed that the church was not very old. " How long has this church been here?".
" Only five years".
" Great sermon Pastor". Velma Reynolds shook the young pastor's hand. " Enjoyed the music".
" Pastor Roberts". Homer was standing behind her. " Here is a new visitor".
Homer walked from behind her and shook the young pastor's hand. " I'm Homer Tang".
" Nice to meet you". When they shook hands, a strange feeling came over the young pastor. " I hope you will enjoy coming to our services".
Homer began to walk toward the coffee and cookie cart. " I don't go to church very often".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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