Friday, January 7, 2022

the stranger who came to town page 17

 the stranger who came to town page 17 by ric gustafson

" Oh that!". He walked around the room to make sure he had everything. " It's actually a statue of a golden calf".
Clarice gave him a confused look. " Why do you have it for?".
" To be honest". He smiled. " I worship it".
" You don't follow the Lord".
He gave an evil chuckle. " Of course not!".
" I don't understand". More tears filled her eyes. " You healed me".
" I do that to get people's attention".
" You attended one of our church services".
" Just because I visit God's house". He frowned. " Doesn't mean I believe in him".
" You stole the money from Mrs Langford, the church and the motel".
Homer smiled. " That's true I did".
" What about the healings and good deeds you do?".
" I help people". He grinned. " I gain followers for my Master".
" Who Satan?".
" I call him Master".
" You're nothing but a phony". She ran out of the room crying.
Homer decided it was time to leave. He threw the key on the bed. He walked out.
As he was driving out of town, down below Satan was shaking his head.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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