Wednesday, January 26, 2022

a town called Judgment page 7

 a town called Judgment page 7 by ric gustafson

Louis and Homer were sitting by Mrs Mutson's hospital bed.
A young doctor walked in. " It's a miracle". He grinned. " Her chest pain was not as severe as we thought".
She gave a weak smile. " Homer and his statue saved my life".
Louis gave his wife a puzzled stare. " What do you mean?".
She weakly looked at Homer. " Tell him Homer".
" Actually it wasn't me". He took out his statue. " My Master healed her".
" Will someone tell me what is going on?".
A voice came from the doorway. " Demon, tell him". It was Pop. 
Homer sighed. " My Master is".
" His Master is me". A figure all in red now stood in the doorway. He gave Pop a sneer. " I'll take care of this Nazarene".
Pop moved aside. " As you wish".
He walked over to Homer. " Demon, you have failed me for the last time".
Fear came over Homer. " Not the Great White Throne Park".
" Yes Demon". Satan sighed. " Let's go".
Homer stood up. " How did I know the Prince of Peace lived here?".
They walked out.
Jesus smiled. " Peace be with you always".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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