Wednesday, January 26, 2022

a town called Judgment page 5

 a town called Judgment page 5 by ric gustafson

Louis and Homer walked through the doorway of the wood shop. Homer looked up. He glanced at Louis in fear. " Judge!".
" Judge and the only carpenter in town". He walked over to a front counter. He rang a bell.
" I need to get something in the truck". He walked out.
Just then, a young dark bearded man came out from behind a curtain. He was wearing a white apron. " Greetings Louis".
" Morning Pop".
" I was just about to call you". He handed Louis a wrapped package. " Your carving is finished".
" Thank you Pop". He smiled. " I wanted to introduce you to a new friend of mine".
" I would love to meet him".
" This is". He turned around. He look puzzled. " Well, he was here a minute ago".
" That's ok". Pop smiled. " Is he helping you around home?".
" Yes, his name is Homer".
" I'm sure I'll meet him sooner or later".
" Thanks for the carving". He walked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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