Friday, January 21, 2022

a town called Judgment page 1

 a town called Judgment page 1 by ric gustafson

Homer opened his eyes. The sun was blaring above him. He could tell someone was next to him. He turned his head. It was his Master. He did not look happy.
" Hello demon".
Homer stood up from the barren caked ground. " Where are we Master?".
They began to walk down a steep hill. 
" This is your last chance demon".
" I'm sorry Master". He frowned. " I did not know the Pastor had prayed for Paul to come".
They walked toward an old gas station.
" If you fail me one more time". He gave Homer a stern look. " I will show you where your new home will be".
They came up to the abandoned gas station.
Homer looked around the barren land. " Where am I Master?".
" A town called Judgment".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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