Tuesday, January 18, 2022

whom do you serve? page 6

 whom do you serve? page 6 by ric gustafson

" In Acts chapter 19". Pastor Roberts looked around the room. " The Apostle Paul performed miraculous signs".
A voice came loud from the back of the room. " That's not true".
" Mr Tang". Pastor Roberts gave him a stern look. " We believe 100% in God's Word".
Homer sneered. " Paul was just in a long line of ordinary preachers".
There was a knock on the door. Someone opened it to reveal a gray haired gentleman. He was wearing a brown robe and wore sandals.
" Well, speak of the devil". Homer growled. " Pastor Roberts, is this some kind of joke?".
The old man walked over. He shook the Pastor's hand. " I came as soon as I could".
" Paul, go back to whereever you came from".
" Pastor Roberts, can we speak?".
" Paul, get back in that small boat and go back home".
Paul turned around and shook a finger at the Satan follower. " As with Elymas".
" Paul, what can you do to me?".
" The hand of the Lord is upon you". He pointed a finger at Homer. " You will be blind for a time".
Just then, Homer's eyes went black. He stumbled out of the room.
" Pastor Roberts". Paul smiled. " Can we speak in your office?".
" Of course".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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