Monday, January 3, 2022

12: John

 12: John by ric gustafson

It is said that John was the closest to Jesus. John understood Jesus's teaching. John was the only Apostle at the foot of Jesus's cross. John showed peace, love, kindness and holiness. He was a brother of James the Great. He was a son of Zebedee and Salome. He lived to be over ninety. He was in his mid twenties  when he was called by Jesus. John never married. He was part of the inner circle of Jesus. He was called the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was at the Last Supper. John was at Gethsemane. Jesus entrusted his mother to John while he was on the cross. John was still in Jerusalem when his brother was killed. 
John moved to Ephesus and stayed there. Instead of being killed for his faith, John was exiled to the island of Patmos. In A.D. 98, John in old age went to be with Jesus.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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