Saturday, January 1, 2022

12: James x3

 12: James x3 by ric gustafson

There were three James associated with Jesus. The first was St James the Great. He was the brother of John. The second was St James the Less. He was the son of Cleopas and Mary. The third was not an Apostle but important to Jesus. His name was James the Righteous and he became the head of the church in Jerusalem. The most famous was James the brother of John. His father was Zebedee and his mother Salome. In Matthew 20, Salome asks Jesus that her two sons sit on either side of him in Heaven. 
James the Great was part of Jesus's inner circle. Jesus called him and his brother John the Sons of Thunder. Tradition says James the Great converted people in Spain. He was beheaded in A,D, 42. 
James the Less was born in Capernaum to Cleopas and Mary. One of his brothers was the Apostle Matthew. It was believed that he was also a tax collector like his brother. It was said that James the Less was stoned to death in Jerusalem possibly in A.D. 62. 
James the Righteous was the bishop of Jerusalem for more than 30 years. He was friends with Peter and Paul. James the Righteous was also killed in A.D. 62 by an angry mob.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Happy New Year. Love Ric

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