Sunday, January 23, 2022

a town called Judgment page 2

 a town called Judgment page 2 by ric gustafson

" Mrs Mutson". Homer took a bite of the tender meat. " This roast beef is fabulous".
" Thank you Homer". She smiled. " How do you like the fresh milk?".
He drank from the cold glass. " I have not literally tasted milk in ages".
" You showed up at our door step out of the blue". Louis grinned. " Tell us about yourself Homer?".
" Well". Homer took another bite of the roast beef. " My Master sends me on assignments all over the world".
" Master?".
" Actually my boss".
" He sent you to this barren place".
" Yes".
Helen Mutson stood up from the table and began to serve up a pie.
" Homer, do you have a place to stay?".
" Right now no".
She put a slice of apple pie in front of Homer. " Louis, couldn't you use some help around here?".
" She's right Homer". Louis smiled. " In exchange for an empty bedroom, you can help me around here".
Homer took a bite of the homemade apple pie. " I accept".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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