Saturday, January 15, 2022

whom do you serve? page 5

 whom do you serve? page 5 by ric gustafson

The old man shivered as he stepped out of the simple wooden boat. His simple brown robe shone in the bright sun. He began to walk up the ramp.
" Mister, that's an interesting little boat".
The old man turned to see a grizzled middle aged man standing next to a boat. 
" That little boat looks like it came from biblical times".
The old man smiled. " Can you give me directions to a church?".
" Sure, which church is that?".
" Hope Lutheran".
" Turn right at the light". He lit up his pipe. " It's five blocks down on your left".
" Thank you". He took out a small leather pouch. " Could you watch my boat for me?".
" Sure".
The old man handed him some coins. " This should cover it".
The middle aged man shook the old man's hand. " I'm Ronald Jones I run the marina here".
The old man began to walk down the sidewalk. " My name is Paul".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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