Tuesday, January 11, 2022

whom do you serve? page 2

 Whom do you serve? page 2 by ric gustafson

Pastor Roberts was eating a glazed donut.
D Pikes walked into the workroom and sat down in an open chair. He began to study a register.
" Good morning D". He smiled. " Has the church's financial situation changed for the better?".
" No, our financial situation has not changed". He frowned as he stared at the register. " Offerings are down".
" What would you suggest we do?".
" From a revenue standpoint". He pointed at the register. " An increase in offerings would help".
" How is attendance at our two services?".
" 8:30 is holding it's own". He pointed at the open register. " More attendance at 10:30 would help".
Pastor Roberts stood up and threw away his napkin. " Thank you for your suggestions D".
" Your welcome Pastor". He stood up and put the register under his arm. " Have a good day". He walked out of the workroom.
Pastor Roberts walked back toward his office. " God, please help us with our finances".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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