Wednesday, January 26, 2022

a town called Judgment page 6

 a town called Judgment page 6 by ric gustafson

Louis walked into the kitchen. His wife was putting a meal of roast beef, potatoes and steamed vegtables on the table. Homer was sitting at the table.
" Sorry Louis". Homer frowned as he put some of the food on his plate. " I had to leave".
" That's too bad". He sat down. " Pop really wanted to meet you".
Just then, Mrs Mutson put a hand on her chest. She fell back into a chair. " I think I'm having a heart attack".
Both Louis and Homer jumped up from the table. 
" I'll call 911". Louis ran to get his cell phone.
Homer ran to the bedroom to get his statue. He came back before Louis. He put the statue against her chest. " Please heal her Master". The pain in her chest went away.
Louis ran in. " I called 911". He looked worried. " They will be here in a few minutes".
Mrs Mutson started to get up. " Homer healed me".
" What!". 
" Homer healed me with his statue".
The ambulance came.
" Homer, will you come with me to the hospital?".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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