Monday, January 31, 2022

Beatle songs: HELP

 Beatle songs: HELP by ric gustafson

In April of 1965, Paul met John at his house in Weybridge Kenwood. The song's lyrics were about John's dissatisfaction with himself. He had put on weight and ate and drank too much. He felt trapped by fame. This song was a cry for help. He was admitting his success, fame and wealth had heightened his anxiety. John had put his feelings at the center of a song.
The song was on the film soundtrack. The song was released in July 1965. It went to number 1.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 30, 2022

paid in full page 3

 paid in full page 3 by ric gustafson

Gabriel and the young angel watched as the dark shadow stood next to Jesus. After thirty nine days in the desert, Jesus was hungry, tired and vulnerable.
" Look at me Jesus". It was a deep inviting voice. " And you will know who you really are".
" I know who you are" Jesus yelled. " I knew you would be coming to visit me".
" You are thirsty to learn". The shadow laughed. " I have wisdom I can teach you".
" Father of lies". Jesus cried. " You have no power over me".
" Don't answer yet". The shadow smiled. " Come with me".
The shadow took Jesus to the top of a high mountain.
The shadow pointed to all the kingdoms below. " You can rule over all this". The shadow smiled. " I just ask one thing in return".
Jesus quietly replied. " God alone will I worship".
" Reject my offer Jesus". The shadow began to get angry. " And your mission is doomed to fail".
Jesus lifted his arms upward. " Be gone Satan".
The shadow disappeared. 
" You did well Jesus". Gabriel put an arm around one of Jesus's weary shoulders. " Tomorrow you will go home".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 28, 2022

Beatle songs: I'll Follow The Sun

 Beatle songs: I'll Follow The Sun by ric gustafson

Paul McCartney had a positive outlook on life and relationships. He wrote this song early in his writing life. Buddy Holly influenced McCartney. He wrote all of his songs and had a great backing band. It was decided to include one or two of John and Paul's early songs. When it was time to finish Beatles for Sale, it was decided to add this song to the album. The album was released in Dec of 1964.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Beatle songs: Eight Days A Week

 Beatle songs: Eight Days A Week by ric gustafson

A chauffeur one day was driving Paul to John's home. Paul heard the chauffeur say that he was busy  and had been working eight days a week. Paul told John that the phrase was going to be the title of their new song. The song was the first recorded with a fade in. The song was on the Beatles for Sale album.
When the single was released on Feb 15 1965 in the US, it went to number 1.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

paid in full page 2

 paid in full page 2 by ric gustafson

Gabriel and the young angel watched as Jesus waited to be baptized. When it was time, Jesus disrobed and stepped into the river.
" You Sadducees and Pharisees". Jesus slowly began to wade toward his cousin. " Do you not feel the Wind of God?".
" You brood of vipers". Jesus stopped when he reached John. " I know your thoughts".
Thunder rumbled. John plunged Jesus under the water. When Jesus came back out of the water, water filled his ears. Yet, he heard his Heavenly Father.
" You are my beloved Son". Jesus looked up. " Upon you my favor rests".
Dripping wet and soaked to the skin, Jesus began to walk in a certain direction.
" Where is he going?" asked the young angel.
Gabriel smiled. " Where we are going".
" Where's that?".
" The desert".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

a town called Judgment page 7

 a town called Judgment page 7 by ric gustafson

Louis and Homer were sitting by Mrs Mutson's hospital bed.
A young doctor walked in. " It's a miracle". He grinned. " Her chest pain was not as severe as we thought".
She gave a weak smile. " Homer and his statue saved my life".
Louis gave his wife a puzzled stare. " What do you mean?".
She weakly looked at Homer. " Tell him Homer".
" Actually it wasn't me". He took out his statue. " My Master healed her".
" Will someone tell me what is going on?".
A voice came from the doorway. " Demon, tell him". It was Pop. 
Homer sighed. " My Master is".
" His Master is me". A figure all in red now stood in the doorway. He gave Pop a sneer. " I'll take care of this Nazarene".
Pop moved aside. " As you wish".
He walked over to Homer. " Demon, you have failed me for the last time".
Fear came over Homer. " Not the Great White Throne Park".
" Yes Demon". Satan sighed. " Let's go".
Homer stood up. " How did I know the Prince of Peace lived here?".
They walked out.
Jesus smiled. " Peace be with you always".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a town called Judgment page 6

 a town called Judgment page 6 by ric gustafson

Louis walked into the kitchen. His wife was putting a meal of roast beef, potatoes and steamed vegtables on the table. Homer was sitting at the table.
" Sorry Louis". Homer frowned as he put some of the food on his plate. " I had to leave".
" That's too bad". He sat down. " Pop really wanted to meet you".
Just then, Mrs Mutson put a hand on her chest. She fell back into a chair. " I think I'm having a heart attack".
Both Louis and Homer jumped up from the table. 
" I'll call 911". Louis ran to get his cell phone.
Homer ran to the bedroom to get his statue. He came back before Louis. He put the statue against her chest. " Please heal her Master". The pain in her chest went away.
Louis ran in. " I called 911". He looked worried. " They will be here in a few minutes".
Mrs Mutson started to get up. " Homer healed me".
" What!". 
" Homer healed me with his statue".
The ambulance came.
" Homer, will you come with me to the hospital?".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a town called Judgment page 5

 a town called Judgment page 5 by ric gustafson

Louis and Homer walked through the doorway of the wood shop. Homer looked up. He glanced at Louis in fear. " Judge!".
" Judge and the only carpenter in town". He walked over to a front counter. He rang a bell.
" I need to get something in the truck". He walked out.
Just then, a young dark bearded man came out from behind a curtain. He was wearing a white apron. " Greetings Louis".
" Morning Pop".
" I was just about to call you". He handed Louis a wrapped package. " Your carving is finished".
" Thank you Pop". He smiled. " I wanted to introduce you to a new friend of mine".
" I would love to meet him".
" This is". He turned around. He look puzzled. " Well, he was here a minute ago".
" That's ok". Pop smiled. " Is he helping you around home?".
" Yes, his name is Homer".
" I'm sure I'll meet him sooner or later".
" Thanks for the carving". He walked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: I Feel Fine

 Beatle songs: I Feel Fine by ric gustafson

In Sept 1964, the Beatles began work on a new album. The title of the album was ' Beatles For Sale'. John wanted to come up with a song with feedback that blended with the opening chords. This album reflected their development in their approach to recording. The Beatles used this song as their first foray into feedback. Others who would use feedback were Jimi Hendrix and the Who.
When released, I Feel Fine went to number 1 in both England and the US.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Beatle songs: Can't Buy Me Love

 Beatle songs: Can't Buy Me Love by ric gustafson

In Jan 1964, the Beatles were in Paris. They were staying at the George V Hotel. In one of their rooms was an upright piano. John and Paul quickly wrote the song. It was recorded in Paris by George Martin. It was written with the chorus at the beginning. The new song was on the A Hard Day's Night soundtrack album and in the movie.
The song was released on March 20 1964 in England. It was released in the US four days earlier on March 16. In both countries, it went to number 1.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a town called Judgment page 4

 a town called Judgment page 4 by ric gustafson

The old red pickup turned onto Main Street. 
" This is Main Street". Homer sighed. He saw empty store after empty store.
" This used to be a vibrant town". Louis shook his head. " Not any more".
As they drove down the deserted street, they passed a secluded street.
" Louis, why is there a black gate at the end of that street?".
" It's called the Great White Throne Park". He sighed. " It's a strange place".
Fear came over Homer. " Great White Throne?".
" When the Judge here tells someone they have to go to that park". Louis's voice grew quiet. " Two men in white come and take them".
" What happens to them?".
" They are taken to the park". He sighed. " I never see them again".
" Would you like to meet the Judge?". He smiled. " He's also the only carpenter in town".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 24, 2022

a town called Judgment page 3

 a town called Judgment page 3 by ric gustafson

Louis walked past the spare bedroom. He stopped. He heard a strange noise. He knocked. 
" Come in".
Louis walked in to see Homer crouching in front of the wooden dresser. Something was on top.
" Oh I'm sorry". Homer looked up. " I hope I wasn't bothering you".
" I heard a strange noise".
" That's just me chanting".
Louis noticed the strange statue on top of the dresser. " Homer, what is that?".
" It's a golden calf statue".
" Why are you chanting in front of that?".
" It's a symbol of whom I serve". Homer smiled. " It's a long story".
" I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go into town with me".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: And I Love Her

 Beatle songs: And I Love Her by ric gustafson

One day, Paul McCartney decided to write a song who's title was midsentence. Then Paul wrote the verses. Then John helped him with the middle eight. The recording of the song began in Feb 1964. It was the first Beatle song to feature just acoustic instruments. Paul said it was not written for someone in particular. The song was on the ' A Hard Day's Night ' album and was released in England July 10 1964.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 23, 2022

a town called Judgment page 2

 a town called Judgment page 2 by ric gustafson

" Mrs Mutson". Homer took a bite of the tender meat. " This roast beef is fabulous".
" Thank you Homer". She smiled. " How do you like the fresh milk?".
He drank from the cold glass. " I have not literally tasted milk in ages".
" You showed up at our door step out of the blue". Louis grinned. " Tell us about yourself Homer?".
" Well". Homer took another bite of the roast beef. " My Master sends me on assignments all over the world".
" Master?".
" Actually my boss".
" He sent you to this barren place".
" Yes".
Helen Mutson stood up from the table and began to serve up a pie.
" Homer, do you have a place to stay?".
" Right now no".
She put a slice of apple pie in front of Homer. " Louis, couldn't you use some help around here?".
" She's right Homer". Louis smiled. " In exchange for an empty bedroom, you can help me around here".
Homer took a bite of the homemade apple pie. " I accept".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: A Hard Day's Night

 Beatle songs: A Hard Day's Night by ric gustafson

A Hard Day's Night was written as a song for an album and a movie of the same name. A Hard Day's Night was a phrase used by Ringo. The movie's director Dick Lester liked the phrase and used it as the title of the film. The song lyrics were written on a card John was going to give to his son Julian. The song was the first cut on the soundtrack album. 
The song was released on July 10 1964. In England, it went to number 1.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

paid in full page 1

 paid in full page 1 by ric gustafson

The angel Gabriel stood quietly along a wall of the carpenter's shop. He watched as Jesus was using a chisel and a hammer on a piece of wood. All of a sudden, a young angel was standing next to him. " Who is that angel Gabriel?".
" Hail Jesus full of grace". Gabriel's voice hesitated. " God is with you".
Jesus looked up. He heard the greeting on the wind. " Who are you?".
Gabriel smiled. " Jesus, do not be afraid".
Jesus went back to his work.
Gabriel walked over and whispered into his ear. " Why not go down tomorrow to the Jordan with the others and be baptized by John?".
" My cousin". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Who will watch my father's shop?".
" Stand up Jesus". Gabriel spoke with the power of God. " Your work here is finished".
Jesus rose. He glanced around his father's shop. He was filled with fascination and fear.
" Go to John and be baptized".
The young angel was watching everything that was going on.
" It is what God wants".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Beatle songs: I Want To Hold Your Hand

 Beatle songs: I Want To Hold Your Hand by ric gustafson

Jane Asher was Paul McCartney's girlfriend. In her parents house was a piano. On October 16 1963, Paul was on the piano and John was on a pedal organ. John came up with the opening line. Then Paul hit a chord on the piano. The lyrics were based on French experimental music John was listening to at the time.
When the song was released on November 29 1963, it went to number 1. When the song was released in the US December 26 1963, it went to number 1.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 21, 2022

a town called Judgment page 1

 a town called Judgment page 1 by ric gustafson

Homer opened his eyes. The sun was blaring above him. He could tell someone was next to him. He turned his head. It was his Master. He did not look happy.
" Hello demon".
Homer stood up from the barren caked ground. " Where are we Master?".
They began to walk down a steep hill. 
" This is your last chance demon".
" I'm sorry Master". He frowned. " I did not know the Pastor had prayed for Paul to come".
They walked toward an old gas station.
" If you fail me one more time". He gave Homer a stern look. " I will show you where your new home will be".
They came up to the abandoned gas station.
Homer looked around the barren land. " Where am I Master?".
" A town called Judgment".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: I Wanna Be Your Man

 Beatle songs: I Wanna Be Your Man by Ric Gustafson

Paul McCartney was thinking of Ringo Starr when he wrote this song. The song is basically four chords with not much as far as lyrics. The song was recorded by the Rolling Stones. The lyrics of the song was influenced by the Shirelles and Benny Spellman. The song helped the Rolling Stones become a major act.
The Beatles released the song November 22 1963.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

whom do you serve? page 8

 whom do you serve? page 8 by ric gustafson

The elderly Apostle stepped up to the pulpit. He smiled at the parishoners. " Let us pray".
Homer yelled. " Let's not pray".
" I want to thank Pastor Roberts for the chance to speak to you this morning".
Homer yelled. " This should be interesting".
" I will be speaking on Matthew 6:24".
Homer yelled. " I can't wait to hear this".
" This passage states that we cannot serve two masters".
Homer yelled. " Oh come on!".
" We cannot serve both God and Satan".
Homer yelled. " Nobody's listening to you Paul".
Pastor Roberts had had enough. He stood up and walked over to Homer's pew. " All those in favor of God and his word as the foundation of this church raise your hand".
Every hand went up. 
Homer scowled. " Who wants to follow my master instead of these clowns?".
Not one hand went up.
Just then, Satan appeared next to Homer. " Come with me demon".
Homer growled. They vanished.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

whom do you serve? page 7

 whom do you serve? page 7 by ric gustafson

Pastor Roberts sat down at his desk. The elderly Apostle sat down next to the desk.
" To be honest". He grinned. " I'm not sure how to address you".
" Paul is fine".
Pastor Roberts stared at the elderly Apostle. " I can't believe you are here".
" You prayed to God for help". He smiled. " Do you remember that day?".
" I sure do". He began to remember praying and crying in this office. " This church is heading down the wrong direction".
" This congregation needs encouragement".
" It sure does". He smiled. " I thought a Sunday message from you would help the spirits of our church members".
" God knows how much you love this congregation". He smiled again. " I would be honored to give Sunday's message".
Pastor Roberts wiped tears from his eyes. " Thank you Paul".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Beatle songs: All My Loving

 Beatle songs: All My Loving by ric gustafson

Paul McCartney met actress Jane Asher in April 1963. She became his girlfriend and he moved into her parents house. Her family lived in the West End of London. Jane's father was a medical consultant and her mother was a Professor of Music. One day, Paul wrote a poem for his new love. Before the music, he had the words. The song was released November 22 1963. 

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

whom do you serve? page 6

 whom do you serve? page 6 by ric gustafson

" In Acts chapter 19". Pastor Roberts looked around the room. " The Apostle Paul performed miraculous signs".
A voice came loud from the back of the room. " That's not true".
" Mr Tang". Pastor Roberts gave him a stern look. " We believe 100% in God's Word".
Homer sneered. " Paul was just in a long line of ordinary preachers".
There was a knock on the door. Someone opened it to reveal a gray haired gentleman. He was wearing a brown robe and wore sandals.
" Well, speak of the devil". Homer growled. " Pastor Roberts, is this some kind of joke?".
The old man walked over. He shook the Pastor's hand. " I came as soon as I could".
" Paul, go back to whereever you came from".
" Pastor Roberts, can we speak?".
" Paul, get back in that small boat and go back home".
Paul turned around and shook a finger at the Satan follower. " As with Elymas".
" Paul, what can you do to me?".
" The hand of the Lord is upon you". He pointed a finger at Homer. " You will be blind for a time".
Just then, Homer's eyes went black. He stumbled out of the room.
" Pastor Roberts". Paul smiled. " Can we speak in your office?".
" Of course".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 17, 2022

Beatle songs: She Loves You

 Beatle songs: She Loves You by ric gustafson

Beatlemania went from regional to national  after their appearance on a show called ' Sunday Night at the London Palladium'. 15 million watched the boys perform. The next day, they were in the Fleet Street newspapers. What song propelled them to a household name?. ' She Loves You'.
On June 26 1963, John and Paul were playing their acoustic guitars in a hotel room. Instead of the words me and you in their songs, this new song had she and you. The chorus became a famous catch phrase. 
' She Loves You' was released on Aug 23 1963. It went to number 1 on the British chart.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Beatle songs: From Me To You

 Beatle songs: From Me To You by ric gustafson

The Beatles third single was From Me To You. It was written on Feb 28 1963. Paul and John started to write the song by trading lines. The song's gimmick was a high pitched sound which was inspired by the Isley Brothers. Paul and John kicked some ideas around. They came up with a melody line. The song took five days to finish. In April 1963, the song became their second Number One hit in England. 

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 15, 2022

whom do you serve? page 5

 whom do you serve? page 5 by ric gustafson

The old man shivered as he stepped out of the simple wooden boat. His simple brown robe shone in the bright sun. He began to walk up the ramp.
" Mister, that's an interesting little boat".
The old man turned to see a grizzled middle aged man standing next to a boat. 
" That little boat looks like it came from biblical times".
The old man smiled. " Can you give me directions to a church?".
" Sure, which church is that?".
" Hope Lutheran".
" Turn right at the light". He lit up his pipe. " It's five blocks down on your left".
" Thank you". He took out a small leather pouch. " Could you watch my boat for me?".
" Sure".
The old man handed him some coins. " This should cover it".
The middle aged man shook the old man's hand. " I'm Ronald Jones I run the marina here".
The old man began to walk down the sidewalk. " My name is Paul".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: Love Me Do

 Beatle songs: Love Me Do by ric gustafson

This was an early song written by Paul McCartney. The lyrics were as basic as you can get. The word love was used 21 times. What set it apart from other teen love songs is a gospel blues element. The song featured John Lennon on harmonica and close harmonizing. The song was included on the group's first four track record. The song was released on Oct 5 1962, It reached number 4 in England. On April 27 1964, it went to number 1 in the US.
Paul McCartney called it their greatest philosophical song.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 14, 2022

Beatle songs: I Saw Her Standing There

 Beatle songs: I Saw Her Standing There by ric gustafson

On Feb 11 1963, an album was done in one day. ' I Saw Her Standing There' was the first song on the album. The song was originally called ' Seventeen'. The song is about a boy who sees a girl dancing at a local ballroom. The story is about youthful arrogance and insecurity. 
Paul McCartney began writing the song in September 1962. By late 1962, the song was being included in their stage act. The song was on the flipside of ' I Want To Hold your Hand'. That song was released in Jan 1964 and became their first US number 1. 

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatle songs: Please Please Me

 Beatle songs: Please Please Me by ric gustafson

In 1962, the Beatles cut their first record. They learned their trade at the Cavern Club in Liverpool England and in Hamburg Germany. John, Paul and George had been with the group for almost five years. Ringo was a recent addition. They had known Ringo before hand because he was in a group called Rory Storm and the Hurricanes.
They sang songs by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and Carl Perkins. Studying these artists taught John and Paul the basics of songwriting. The influence of the voice of Roy Orbison gave them the inspiration for their first number one song. Their debut album was recorded on Feb 11 1963. It was released on March 22 1963. Right away, it went to the top of the British charts. 
Their first album was simply called the Please Please Me album. 

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

whom do you serve? page 4

 whom do you serve page 4 by ric gustafson

Pastor Roberts was sitting at his desk in his office. He was studying his bible. He was looking at certain books of the New Testament. Lately, he had been studying Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians. At one point, he looked up toward heaven.
" God". He looked up. " I wish someone like the Apostle Paul could come and help me with this church". He looked up toward heaven again. " God, I love you and this church so much".
He yawned and closed his bible. " Please send me someone who could help me".
Just then, peace washed over him. " Thank you Jesus".
He turned off his desk light. He walked out of the room. He walked past the church secretary. " Rachelle, if you need me". He smiled. " I'll be at home".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 13, 2022

whom do you serve? page 3

 whom do you serve? page 3 by ric gustafson

Agent Brenda Nikes opened the front door. The visitor walked in. " This is a large one bedroom apartment".
They began to walk through it.
" It has a good size living room, dinette and kitchen". She smiled. " So what brings you to our simple town?".
" Business actually". They looked around the sprawling bedroom. " I'll be here for awhile".
They walked back toward the front door. " So, do you like the apartment Mr Tang?".
" It's perfect". He gave her a strange smirk. " I'll take it".
The agent smiled. " So you will be signing a month to month lease?".
" Yes, I am".
She handed him a contract and a pen. He signed it and handed it back. " Thank you for showing it to me".
" Here is the key". She gave him the keyring. She opened the front door. " I'm sure you will enjoy it here".  She left.
Homer opened one of his black suitcases. He took out a plastic bag. He took out a small statue that looked like a golden calf. He put it on a shelf by the fireplace. He knelt and worshipped that small statue for an hour.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

whom do you serve? page 2

 Whom do you serve? page 2 by ric gustafson

Pastor Roberts was eating a glazed donut.
D Pikes walked into the workroom and sat down in an open chair. He began to study a register.
" Good morning D". He smiled. " Has the church's financial situation changed for the better?".
" No, our financial situation has not changed". He frowned as he stared at the register. " Offerings are down".
" What would you suggest we do?".
" From a revenue standpoint". He pointed at the register. " An increase in offerings would help".
" How is attendance at our two services?".
" 8:30 is holding it's own". He pointed at the open register. " More attendance at 10:30 would help".
Pastor Roberts stood up and threw away his napkin. " Thank you for your suggestions D".
" Your welcome Pastor". He stood up and put the register under his arm. " Have a good day". He walked out of the workroom.
Pastor Roberts walked back toward his office. " God, please help us with our finances".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 10, 2022

12: Judas Iscariot

 12: Judas Iscariot by ric gustafson

Who was Judas Iscariot?. Why did he betray Jesus?. Iscariot was a surname. Judas was the only Judean among the apostles. Judas's father was Simon Iscariot. Up to the Last Supper, Judas was not disloyal. He heard with the others that someone would betray him. When he was given bread dipped in a dish, he went out and betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. 
After Jesus was arrested and led away, Judas was stung by remorse. He did not go to Jesus for forgiveness. He went and hanged himself. St Matthias took his place.

The End

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

12: Simon and Jude

 12: Simon and Jude by ric gustafson

St Simon and St Jude died together. St Simon was called Simon the Zealot. Simon came from Cana. We do not know much about Simon. It is only mentioned that he is one of the 12. It is mentioned that he spent time in North Africa. It is possible that Simon spent time in Britain. From there, it is possible he went back east to Iran. 
St Jude was called Jude Thaddaeus. Jude asked Jesus a question in John 14:22. Jude asked why Jesus would reveal himself to them and not to the world?. Jude was present at the Last Supper.
Both men were killed at the same time. Jude was killed by a sword. Simon was sawn into pieces.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 9, 2022

whom do you serve? page 1

 whom do you serve? page 1 by ric gustafson

" Go in peace, serve the Lord".
Homer opened his eyes. He glanced around the sanctuary. He sighed. " Great, another church assignment".
" Are you visiting?".
Homer looked up to see a nicely dressed elderly woman smiling at him." I noticed you were not wearing a nametag".
" I'm Homer Tang". They shook hands. 
" Lois Belkin". She pointed at her nametag. " I'm one of the charter members of this church".
They began walking toward the back of the sanctuary. A young pastor was shaking hands.
Homer noticed that the church was not very old. " How long has this church been here?".
" Only five years".
" Great sermon Pastor". Velma Reynolds shook the young pastor's hand. " Enjoyed the music".
" Pastor Roberts". Homer was standing behind her. " Here is a new visitor".
Homer walked from behind her and shook the young pastor's hand. " I'm Homer Tang".
" Nice to meet you". When they shook hands, a strange feeling came over the young pastor. " I hope you will enjoy coming to our services".
Homer began to walk toward the coffee and cookie cart. " I don't go to church very often".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 8, 2022

12: Matthew

 12: Matthew by ric gustafson

The book of Matthew is a popular Gospel. One day, Jesus asked Matthew a tax collector to follow him. According to Matthew 9:9, Matthew got up and followed him. He was a brother of James the Less. Matthew was a tax collector. He was employed in Capernaum. His occupation was despised by the Jews. 
Matthew wrote his own gospel. His gospel is the most quoted of all four. Matthew after Jesus's resurrection stayed in Palestine and converted Jewish converts. Matthew eventually settled in Ethiopia. There he raised the son of King Aeglippus. Matthew started a church called the Church of the Resurrection. 
Matthew was stabbed to death by King Hyrtaeus. Another theory is that Matthew went to Persia and died there. In either case, Matthew served Jesus until his death.

research help: ' the Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 7, 2022

whom do you serve? prelude

 whom do you serve? prelude by ric gustafson

Homer opened his eyes to complete darkness.
Someone was standing right next to him.
" Hello demon".
Homer knew that voice.
" You failed me Homer".
" I'm sorry Master".
Satan shook his head. " I wanted Clarice's soul".
" She saw the statue of you I was worshiping".
Satan threw a card at his demon. " I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself".
" I will try harder Master".
" Do not fail me again".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 17

 the stranger who came to town page 17 by ric gustafson

" Oh that!". He walked around the room to make sure he had everything. " It's actually a statue of a golden calf".
Clarice gave him a confused look. " Why do you have it for?".
" To be honest". He smiled. " I worship it".
" You don't follow the Lord".
He gave an evil chuckle. " Of course not!".
" I don't understand". More tears filled her eyes. " You healed me".
" I do that to get people's attention".
" You attended one of our church services".
" Just because I visit God's house". He frowned. " Doesn't mean I believe in him".
" You stole the money from Mrs Langford, the church and the motel".
Homer smiled. " That's true I did".
" What about the healings and good deeds you do?".
" I help people". He grinned. " I gain followers for my Master".
" Who Satan?".
" I call him Master".
" You're nothing but a phony". She ran out of the room crying.
Homer decided it was time to leave. He threw the key on the bed. He walked out.
As he was driving out of town, down below Satan was shaking his head.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 16

 the stranger who came to town page 16 by ric gustafson

Homer heard the knock on the door. He walked out of the bathroom. Both of his black suitcases were open on the bed. He walked over and opened it.
A cold Clarice was shivering.
" Clarice". He began to fill up the suitcases. " I was just finishing up packing".
She sat down on the edge of the bed. " Where are you going?".
Homer grinned. " It's time for me to get back to work".
" I want to come with you". Tears came to her eyes. " Everybody thinks you are evil".
Homer zipped up the suitcases and put them by the front door. " What do you think Clarice?".
" I can't believe anyone who would heal my arm". She smiled as she moved it freely up and down. " Could be evil".
" Do you still want to go with me?".
She dabbed her eyes with a tissue. " Yes".
" Good". He opened the front door. He picked up the suitcases. " As soon as I put these in the car, we'll leave".
After Homer walked out with the suitcases, Clarice glanced around the room. Just then, she noticed the small statue on top of the desk.
Homer walked back in.
" Mr Tang, what is that?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

12: Thomas

 12: Thomas by ric gustafson

Thomas has been called the doubter. He was mentioned just a few times in Scripture. Only the book of John lists four incidents involving Thomas. Thomas was at the raising of Lazarus. Another incident Jesus told them that he was leaving to prepare a place for them. Jesus told Thomas that he was the way, truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me. The third incident was when the disciples told Thomas that the resurrected Jesus had come to them. Thomas doubted this. Hence his nickname. Later, Jesus came. He showed Thomas his hands and feet. Thomas declared ' my Lord and my God'.
Thomas was called ' Didymus' or twin. After Jesus's resurrection, Thomas quickly left Jerusalem. He spent time in Armenia. Then he moved on to India. His spiritual time there was described in the Acts of Thomas. In Osroene, he was hailed as the founder of their national Church. In India in the 16th century, there was a flourishing Christian community started by Thomas. Thomas was active in northwestern India. 
On July 3 A.D. 72, Thomas was fatally stabbed with a spear.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

12: Bartholomew

 12: Bartholomew by ric gustafson

Bartholomew has been identified with Nathanael. Nathanael was a close friend of Philip. Nathanael was a disciple of John the Baptist. When Philip told his friend about Jesus, his response was can anything good come from Nazareth?". Philip and Nathanael went to meet Jesus. Jesus already knew his character. He asked Jesus, how do you know me?. Jesus replied I saw you under the fig tree. Nathanael praised Jesus as the Son of God and the King of Israel. 
Bartholomew's full name was Nathanael bar Tolmai from Cana. He was a fisherman. It was said that Bartholomew preached in Armenia. His primary work was in India. After trouble with King Polymius's brother Astriagis, Bartholomew was skinned alive and then crucified.

research help: ' the Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

12: Philip

 12: Philip by ric gustafson

Philip was a native of Bethsaida. He was a disciple of John the Baptist. He met Jesus at Bethabara. He introduced his friend Nathanael to Jesus. Philip was at the feeding of the five thousand. After telling Jesus that they did not have enough food for everyone, Andrew finds a boy with loaves and fishes. Philip introduced Jesus to some Greek pagans.
Philip was in the Upper Room after Jesus's ascension. Philip left Jerusalem in A.D. 36 after the death of Stephen. He went to Samaria to proclaim Jesus to the people. Philip had an encounter with Simon Magus. He was a warlock bent on disrupting Philip's work. For more than 20 years, Philip made his home in Caesarea. Eventually, Philip decided to stay in Hierapolis. 
Philip was crucified at the age of 87 around A.D. 90. Like Peter he was crucified upside down.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 3, 2022

12: John

 12: John by ric gustafson

It is said that John was the closest to Jesus. John understood Jesus's teaching. John was the only Apostle at the foot of Jesus's cross. John showed peace, love, kindness and holiness. He was a brother of James the Great. He was a son of Zebedee and Salome. He lived to be over ninety. He was in his mid twenties  when he was called by Jesus. John never married. He was part of the inner circle of Jesus. He was called the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was at the Last Supper. John was at Gethsemane. Jesus entrusted his mother to John while he was on the cross. John was still in Jerusalem when his brother was killed. 
John moved to Ephesus and stayed there. Instead of being killed for his faith, John was exiled to the island of Patmos. In A.D. 98, John in old age went to be with Jesus.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 1, 2022

the stranger who came to town page 15

 the stranger who came to town page 15 by ric gustafson

" From what I hear". Sheriff Jones sighed. " Mr Tang was at all three robberies".
Clarice frowned. " How do you know he did that?".
" I'm going to bring him in for questioning".
Clarice began to yell. " It can't be him"
Josh looked at his girlfriend. " How do you it's not him".
" He healed me". She showed them her arm. " He's done good things for this town".
" Clarice, I just want to talk to him".
" He healed Mrs Langford's shoulder".
" We have not trusted Mr Tang since he's been here".
" I don't believe any of you".
Josh began to plead. " Clarice, try to understand".
" Josh, I can't stay". She ran out of the sanctuary.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

12: James x3

 12: James x3 by ric gustafson

There were three James associated with Jesus. The first was St James the Great. He was the brother of John. The second was St James the Less. He was the son of Cleopas and Mary. The third was not an Apostle but important to Jesus. His name was James the Righteous and he became the head of the church in Jerusalem. The most famous was James the brother of John. His father was Zebedee and his mother Salome. In Matthew 20, Salome asks Jesus that her two sons sit on either side of him in Heaven. 
James the Great was part of Jesus's inner circle. Jesus called him and his brother John the Sons of Thunder. Tradition says James the Great converted people in Spain. He was beheaded in A,D, 42. 
James the Less was born in Capernaum to Cleopas and Mary. One of his brothers was the Apostle Matthew. It was believed that he was also a tax collector like his brother. It was said that James the Less was stoned to death in Jerusalem possibly in A.D. 62. 
James the Righteous was the bishop of Jerusalem for more than 30 years. He was friends with Peter and Paul. James the Righteous was also killed in A.D. 62 by an angry mob.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Happy New Year. Love Ric