Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Malchus page 2

 Malchus page 2 by ric gustafson

The old man kissed the forehead of the donkey colt. " This donkey colt is the prophecy fulfilled over five hundred years ago by the prophet Zechariah".
" What did the prophecy say?".
" Behold your king is coming humble and mounted on a donkey even on a colt the foal of a donkey".
" What happened today Japhet?".
" I noticed two men untying the colt that was tied to that post behind you".
Malchus scratched his chin. " You did not know who they were".
" No". His voice hesitated. " I asked them what they were doing".
" What did they say?".
" They told me that the Lord has need of your animal".
Malchus scratched his chin again. " Did they return it unharmed?".
" Yes". Japhet smiled. " They told me Jesus of Nazareth rode on it".
Surprise came over Malchus. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" You know of him".
" A little bit based on what my Master has told me".
" Malchus my boy". Japhet patted the head of the colt. " Now I believe that the Messiah has come".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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