Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Sendler page 8

 I Sendler page 8 by ric gustafson

Irena walked into her office. She frowned. Klaus was standing there with some soldiers.
" Frau Sendler". He frowned. " Please sit down".
She sat down in her chair. " What can I do for you?".
" Where is she?".
" Where is who?".
" The Jew girl you are hiding".
" I don't know what you are talking about".
" Frau Sendler, don't play games with me".
" I don't know what you are talking about".
He pointed at two soldiers. " Find the girl".
They came back a short time later. " We don't see her".
" I will find her". He scowled at Irena. " And then I will attend your questioning".
He stormed out with his soldiers.
Then Irena found out that Kaji had been taken back to the ghetto by Jan her supervisor.

research help: ' Irena's War' by James D Shipman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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