Thursday, February 4, 2021

Lazarus page 12

 Lazarus page 12 by ric gustafson

Lazarus and Jesus stopped at the edge of the pool. It was the porticoes of Bethesda. In front of it was a man who had lain there for thirty eight years.
Jesus looked at the man with compassion in his eyes. " Do you want to be made well?".
" No man can help me into the pool". He began to cry. " When I try, another steps down before me".
" What is your name?".
" Bikri".
" Rise Bikri". Jesus smiled. " Take up your bed and walk".
Bikri sat up, picked up his mat and walked.
The Pharisees were mad. Jesus had healed on the Sabbath.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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