Sunday, February 21, 2021

I Sendler page 10

 I Sendler page 10 by ric gustafson

The blindfold was taken off of Irena's face. There was a man seated at a table.
" It's nice to see you again Irena".
She recognized the voice. " I've needed your help for a long time now".
" We had to make sure we could trust you".
" I need your help". She frowned. " I want to get the Jewish children out of the orphanage".
" We can help you".
" Who is we?".
" We are the Zegota". He grinned. " My name is Julian Grobelny".
" How can you help me?".
" Using the All Saints Church". His voice hesitated. " We might be able to get your children out".
" Please help me".
" Ok". He smiled. " Your code name is now Jolanta".

research help: ' Irena's War' by James D Shipman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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