Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Sendler page 13

 I Sendler page 13 by ric gustafson

" Irena".
She opened her eyes to notice that her wrists and ankles were tied to a chair.
" Where am I?". Her face showed terror. " Where is Kaji?".
" She's gone Irena". He frowned. " She's been sent east".
Irena began to cry. " There is no point in living".
" Irena". He gave her a serious stare. " I need to know about Zegota".
" I don't know anything about them".
" Yes, you do". Klaus sighed. " I will give you one hour to gather your thoughts".
" And if I can't".
" Harm will come to you". He sighed. " From me".
He rang a bell. A soldier came in. 
" Take this prisoner to cell 9".

research help: ' Irena's War' by James D Shipman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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