Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Sendler page 12

 I Sendler page 12 by ric gustafson

Irena ran down Smocza Street. She saw a large crowd of people walking toward the train station. Then she noticed the children.
She looked around. " Where was Kaji?".
" Frau Sendler". It was Klaus standing with some fellow officers. " What are you doing?".
" Looking for Kaji?".
Klaus pointed toward one of the train cars. Kaji was standing at the doorway with Dr Korczak.
Irena ran toward the railcar.
A soldier hit her in the back of the head with his rifle. She slumped to the ground. As she began to black out, she saw Dr Korczak and Kaji enter the railcar. Guards closed and locked the railcar doors.
When she was able to open her eyes to see, the train was gone.
" My little girl is gone".
The train's destination was Treblinka.

research help: ' Irena's War' by James D Shipman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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