Friday, February 12, 2021

I Sendler page 3

 I Sendler page 3 by ric gustafson

Irena was going over some reports. The reports discussed foodstuffs, wagons and families applying to receive government aid. She had to plead for workers, resources and anything that might help. 
One day, she received a letter telling her that all Jewish families would not be eligible for any welfare at all. 
Irena was livid. " They can't do this".
Jan, her supervisor, shook his head. " Yes Irena, they can".
" How will I take care of my Jewish families?".
" You have no choice". He sighed. " This order comes from the SS".
Irena was tired and sad. She had found out that her husband was in a POW camp in Germany.
Her job was getting harder each day. The Germans were cutting back on her food supplies.
Still, she was bringing the food in.
She was helping her fellow Jews the best she could.
She yawned. She was always tired.

research help: ' Irena's War' by James D Shipman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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