Thursday, December 27, 2018

the Alamo miracle page 5

the Alamo miracle page 5 by ric Gustafson

Alan and Felipe stood with Mr Crockett at the palisade wall. They stared toward the Mexican camp to the south.
Crockett yawned. " Fewer campfires burning over there tonight".
Alan scratched his chin. " That's not good".
" No". Crockett yawned again. " I usually see twice as many".
They noticed that bags of grapeshot were being stacked near the twin cannons facing the front gate.
Alan and Felipe walked down and joined those eating corn mush near a camp fire.
Felipe took a bite. " Alan, do you think God would welcome me into his kingdom?".
Alan smiled. " Of course".
" How do you know?".
" He welcomed me". He took a little pocket bible from a shirt pocket. " John 3:16".
Felipe grinned. " Later, you can explain that passage to me in detail".

research help: ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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