Friday, December 21, 2018

followers of the star page 8

followers of the star page 8 by ric Gustafson

Leth scratched his grey beard. " Why did you travel such a long way just to ask that question?".
Reme stared at the Rabbi. " From our eastern land, we saw a great star in the sky".
" A star!".
" It was the star of the promised one" Zele replied. " We have come to worship him".
Anger came over Leth's face. " Herod is our King". He pointed at a soldier. " Guard them while I talk to the King".
Leth walked away. He entered Herod's hall. The aging King was lying on a cushion being fanned by a servant.
Herod raised a finger for the slave to stop. " What is all the commotion Leth?".
" Three Parthians outside would like to speak with you".
" What about?".
" They said that a star led them here".
" A star!". Herod frowned. " Do you believe their story?".
Leth looked at his King. " That is what the scroll of Micah proclaims".
" What did the scroll foretold?".
" That the Deliverer would be born in Bethlehem of Judea".
Herod thought for a moment. " And where is this Bethlehem?".
" The village is just south of here".
" Leth, bring them in here".

research help: ' Magi' by Daniel L Gilbert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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