Saturday, December 22, 2018

followers of the star page 9

followers of the star page 9 by ric Gustafson

The three Magi were waiting in a gold covered room. A guard came and led them to a bathing area. They cleaned up and put on clean robes. Then they were led to a council room. King Herod was lying on a purple royal cushion.
" Magi". He walked up to a small window. " Please show me the star that guided you here".
" I'm sorry King Herod" Reme replied. " The star disappeared while we have been on our journey".
Herod walked over to the three. " A scroll told me that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem".
Paton gave Herod a quizzical look. " Is there something you would like from us?".
" Yes". He clapped his hands with joy. " When you find the child, come back and tell me so that I may go and worship him also".
Shortly after, the four camels left through the southern gate. Later, they came up to a crossroads. Reme looked up and smiled. " The star has come back".
The three Magi got off their camels and embraced.
" Reme". Zele pointed at the star. " The star is pointing north instead of south".
They got back on their camels.
" We must go where the star leads us".
The three Magi headed north.

research help: ' Magi' by Daniel L Gilbert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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