Sunday, December 16, 2018

followers of the star page 3

followers of the star page 3 by ric Gustafson

Reme had just led the weary camels through the cold water of the Barada River. The caravan stopped outside an olive grove outside Damascus. He looked into the distance and saw the snowy slopes of Mount Hermon. He led the group past the grand triple archway toward the main east west thoroughfare. This was where a lot of the city's trading went on.
Reme and Paton began to look for a temple to hopefully find out some information about the Deliverer.
As they approached a synagogue, a large Nabatean guard was in their path.
" You Parthians are going to stir up trouble". He stared at Paton. " I just know it".
Reme noticed more soldiers approaching. He pulled out some coins from his pocket. He handed them to the soldier. " Is this enough to keep everyone quiet?".
The guard nodded his head yes.
Paton grinned. " How do we get out of this city?".
The guard pointed west. " That road will take you to Jericho".
The caravan left the city.

research help: ' Magi' by Daniel L Gilbert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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