Sunday, December 23, 2018

followers of the star page 10

followers of the star page 10 by ric Gustafson

The three Magi stopped in front of a sign at the edge of the quiet village.
" Where are we Zele?".
The Magi got off his camel and looked at the sign. " The sign says Nazareth".
Reme looked up. He noticed that the star shone brightly above them.
They stopped at a house next to the city well.
Paton looked up. " Reme, the star has stopped right over this house".
Reme got down and walked up to the front door. He knocked while the other two watched from a distance. A young man answered the door. Reme talked to him for a while. He walked back. " The one who lives here is Yoseph and he is a carpenter". He smiled at his friends. " I believe in my heart that their young son is the Deliverer".
The camel with the treasures was brought up to the front door. Paton brought in the box of frankincense. Zele brought in the box of myrrh. Reme brought in the pouches of gold.
The men put the treasures on the floor. They followed the young man into a back room where a young woman was holding a young boy.
Reme walked over and kneeled before the boy. " What is the name of the child?".
" Yehoshua".
" We have brought gifts for the child". The three went out and brought them in. They put them by the mother's feet. " We have brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh".
Yoseph and the young mother began to cry. " Thank you".
" We need to go Reme" Paton said in fear. " Herod will be looking for us and the child".
" Be careful". Reme shook the young carpenter's hand. " I was instructed in a dream for us to go home a different way".
The three quickly and quietly left.

Later that night, Yoseph had a dream. He was instructed to flee to Egypt with the mother and child because Herod wanted to kill Yehoshua.
Around midnight, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with Jesus until it was safe to return.

The Beginning

research help: ' Magi' by Daniel L Gilbert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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