Saturday, December 22, 2018

the Alamo miracle page 2

the Alamo miracle page 2 by ric Gustafson

Travis asked who wanted to fight and who did not. Only one man refused. He left later that night.
In the distance, Colonel Juan Morales was watching the Alamo. His friend Colonel Jose Romero walked up to him. " His Excellency is asking for you".
They walked into a large room. Sitting at a table was Santa Anna. He had a wide forehead and was holding a wine goblet in one hand.
" The time has come to punish these norteamericanos".
Colonel Almante smiled. " We await your orders my Excellency".
Santa Anna looked at his officers. " We attack at 4 tomorrow morning". He smiled. " We will surprise them as they sleep".
Romero spoke up. " Your Excellency, our 12 pound cannons will not be here until tomorrow".
Santa Anna frowned. " I cannot wait any longer".
" Excellency, can we take prisoners?".
Santa Anna grinned. " No".

research help:  ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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