Wednesday, December 26, 2018

the Alamo miracle page 4

the Alamo miracle page 4 by ric Gustafson

Morales and his company commanders were studying the South wall. " We will attack that wall at 4 in the morning", He smiled. " His Excellency believes the rebels will be sleeping at that time".
They all chuckled.
" The rebels have a canon guarding the open ground". Morales pointed. " The other canon faces east".
Captain Reyes pointed. " What about the palisade?".
" We will attack it with a fifth of our force".
" What about the lunette?".
" We will attack that with a fifth of our force".
Captain Victoria spoke up. " What about prisoners?".
" His Excellency was very specific about that". He stared at his officers. " No prisoners".
The officers left.
Morales listened to the quietness.

research help: ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God' s blessings. Love Ric

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