Saturday, April 26, 2014

the shopping list page 3

the shopping list page 3 by ric gustafson

Missy put the sack of potatoes on the belt. " Barbara, please come with me".
Her friend put the package of steak on the belt. " I have felt uncomfortable with the whole thing from the very beginning.
The cashier began ringing up their purchases.
Missy put the bottled water and the bag of salad on the belt. " I know because you are a Christian".
Barbara put the grapes and strawberries on the belt. " Atheists do not believe in God".
Missy found out what the purchase cost and opened her wallet. " I'm still curious".
She swiped her credit card and then signed. She got the receipt and put it into her purse along with her wallet.
They began to push the cart toward the door. " Barbara, please come with me on Sunday".
" Ok".

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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