Thursday, April 3, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 20:1-16

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 20:1-16 by ric gustafson

This parable takes place in a vineyard. The ripe grapes were ready to be picked so the owner went into town to hire some temporary help. At the time of Jesus, the workday started at 6:00 am and concluded at 6:00 pm. The owner's wage for the day was a denarius. The owner returned at 9:00 am to hire more workers. He returned at 12 and at 3 and then at 5 when their was only one hour to work.
When the workers came back to receive their wages for the day, the last ones hired were paid first. When these workers received their denarius, the other workers assumed they would be paid more. To their surprise and shock, they received the same denarius. The owner gave all of the workers what he had promised for a daily wage. He said that it was his money and he could spend it as he chooses.
Jesus in this story was not talking about fairness. The vineyard represented the world. What Jesus wants us to take away from this story is that God who is the owner of the vineyard is a generous God. He is generous because he is the owner of all.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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