Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Moses page 24

Moses page 24 by ric gustafson

As Moses and Aaron walked along the dusty road, they noticed that the people were celebrating and singing. Up ahead, Moses observed a large pillar of dust which seemed to be leading them on their way.
" Moses " Aaron said as dust from the walking was clouding the procession. " Why are we heading toward the Red Sea?".
" God directed me to lead the people along the wide route to avoid the land of the Philistines".
" Because they are not used to freedom".
" That's right Aaron".
The Elders had stopped walking and were resting against a big rock. " We need to find out from Moses how he intends to lead us to this new land".
One of the Elders wiped sweat from his face. " Yes, we need to have a meeting with him".
One of the Elders had fear on his face. " I fear that Pharaoh will bring his army and destroy us".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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