Monday, April 14, 2014

burgerman page 3

burgerman page 3 by ric gustafson

" Sure" I replied.
He put slices of American cheese on the burgers and let them cook for a minute. He went in and brought out two large plates with three buns on each. When the cheese had melted, he put them on the buns and then set them on a table in the far corner of the deck.
" Rex, what would you like to drink?".
I thought for a second. " Water's fine, thank you".
He went in and brought out two large glasses of ice water. He set them on the table along with napkins and some ketchup.
As I sat down, he walked toward the screen door. " I need to bring out one more thing".
He came back out wearing a large white towel and carrying a small plastic basin. " Rex, before we eat would you mind if I wash your feet?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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