Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lent 2014 day 32

Lent 2014 day 32 by ric gustafson

John 12:7- ' Leave her alone. This perfume was to be used in preparation for my burial, and this is how she has used it'.

In this story, Mary the sister of Martha was a faithful follower of Jesus. She sat at Jesus's feet listening to his teachings. She called Jesus when her brother Lazarus died. And now, she is showing Jesus deep devotion.
This evening's meal was emotional and bittersweet. Mary comes in and serves him by washing his feet. Then she anointed him with an ointment used for burial. Mary's service and her heart belonged to Jesus.
I pray that I can be a steadfast disciple like Mary and offer him all that I am and have.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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