Thursday, April 24, 2014

the shopping list page 1

the shopping list page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy walked through the sliding steel door and put her small blue purse into an empty cart. She opened it and then frantically rifled through it. " Where is it?" she exclaimed as she began to pull things out.
Her friend Barbara walked in. " Missy, what's wrong?".
" I can't find my shopping list" she said out loud as frustration began to settle in. She took out her wallet and began to look in that.
Barbara took out a small piece of paper. " Does your list start with steak and potatoes?".
" You found it" Missy exclaimed as she took the piece of paper. " Thank you".
They walked with the cart through the other sliding door and immediately noticed the produce section.
Missy noticed a strawberry display. " I have strawberries on my list". She put a one pound carton into the cart. " Oh, I found a website for that church".
" What church is that?".
" The ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch".
" Missy, that's an atheist church".
She put a bag of green grapes into the cart. " I know". She put a package of organic tomatoes into the cart. " I'm still curious about it".
" I told you, I did not want to go".
" Their website said that they had a service on Sunday".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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