Wednesday, April 16, 2014

burgerman page 4

burgerman page 4 by ric gustafson

Rex stared at the plate of burgers in front of him as his stomach growled again. He reluctantly turned to the young man. " Ok".
The young man kneeled and set the plastic basin next to Rex's worn tennis shoes. He took off his shoes and socks and put his weary feet into the warm water. He carefully washed off all the grime of years of walking homeless on the downtown streets. When he had finished, he lifted his feet and wiped them off with the towel that he had around him.
Rex put back on his tennis shoes and socks. " Thank you, no one has ever done that for me".
" You're welcome". The young man smiled. " Let's eat".
Rex and the young man sat down and enjoyed the burgers, chips and ice water.
When they had finished, the young man took the dinner plates into the kitchen. He came back out and noticed Rex was glancing at his watch.
" I need to go".
The young man gave Rex a big hug. " Remember Rex, always be a servant to others and be willing to wash their feet".
" Ok" was his reply as he walked down the steps of the deck. " Thanks for the burgers".
" You are welcome Rex".
As he walked through the white picket fence to the street, Rex still pondered how the young man knew his name.
Jesus smiled and then walked back into the house.

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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